How to Meet Someone At A Convention

Having been to both a smaller con Indy Fur Con and a HUGE one MFF. I got some tips if you like to meet someone without driving you crazy to spot them.

You would think that simply texting someone would simply solve all the problems. They would at a smaller con. But at larger ones like MFF there was time both myself and a friend had zero signal.

Also given my own experience meeting up with Romeo Rabbit at MFF 2022. We agreed to meet by Starbucks after Opening Ceremony. With more than 1000 in and around Starbucks and in my opinion we were just very lucky we spotted one another. Texting was spotty at best as I barely had a signal.

So this is why I say if you want to meet someone find a small or quieter place in the convention. MFF actually has a few locations like this. A prime example is over by the 2nd Stage. It rarely gets crowded. Then pick a time. Even in front of the hotel would work.

I know this is opposite of what is normal these days. But when your cell signal gets spotty, what choice do you have.

Tails and Tornadoes Fur Con Reg Open

TTFC takes place Aug 30 to Sept 1

Anthro New Mexico Special Tees

Hey guys!!! We got awesome news for you! Special addition con shirts should be arriving by January 2nd so if ypu ordered one get ready to receive it a week after that. As always special thanks to @84elcamino for designing them.