Bojack Horseman season 4 Review

With the end of season 3 some speculated Bojack might actually kill himself. But what we got could possibly be the best season yet. Every major character is in crisis. In short Todd is unsure where he fits in to this world. Mr. Peanutbutter and Diane keep themselves so busy it takes to the very last episode before they realize that maybe they don’t love one another. Princess Caroline is on a downward spiral as she struggles to figure out where does she stand in this world. Meanwhile Bojack has a crisis of family, you name it he goes through it. Even discovering of a unknown daughter…maybe but that question isn’t answered until the very last episode of the season.

Throughout this season I wondered where where they going to go, misdirection is the key to this season. Really it takes to the very last episode before things make any sense.

If your a fan or new to the series on Netflix you really need to check it out. It is possibly one of the best series ever.

Studio Ghibli’s Sequel To My Neighbor Totoro

Kotaku is reporting that a 14 minute long sequel was made to My Neighbor Totoro called, “Mei And the Kittenbus”. Here is just one photo that rest can be seen in the article HERE

They also go on to say the film is 86% complete will it ever be completed who know Studio Ghibli is not known for doing sequels.

What exactly is the Furry Broadcasting Network?

Frankly I totally understand the confusion of “What exactly is the Furry Broadcasting Network?” Frankly speaking their Twitter and home page really does not say all that much, in fact it was a misunderstanding that lead to this interview with Shadow Le Rawr, one of the people behind Furry Broadcasting Network and more commonly known as FBN, to hopefully answer the many questions the people and community have asked.

Speaking of misunderstanding, I was confused myself, obviously with my very first question.
AW: Let’s get started how did putting together a furry internet radio station start?


Well FBN is not just an internet radio station, from my experience you need a lot of time and dedication to setup and run any type internet radio station. You have to follow a bunch of legal rules in order to do that kind of thing. For example, stream licenses, which are something that you have to have if you play copyrighted songs. You also need servers to host your internet radio station on or use a stream host. We decided to use our own equipment instead of relying on a host, so things are a bit more complicated with the setup than with most. Which is why our site does not have a lot of information on it right now, all our time has been in focus to get our infrastructure ready for launch.

FBN’s goal is to help emerging artist get “out there”, so this could be anything from a new professional website or a streaming setup to showcase their music. It is why I wanted to start FBN, to get a single place where any furry could get help with getting themselves known in the fandoms.
AW: So what are your plans?


For Furry Broadcasting Network (FBN) or Paw Print Radio (PPR)?
AW: Let’s say both.


Plans for Paw Print Radio or PPR are mainly to be an internet radio station that plays the most popular songs within the fandom instead of using external songs. We want to help furry musicians to stand out. For FBN we are going to be making it the central hub, its website will host links to all the stations as well as some other cool features like con coverage and media resources. Since FBN manages PPR of course the links for it will be on the main site as well. We also want to expand our offering to other companies or sponsors so that they can focus on content and not all the technical or legal loopholes that it takes to manage an internet presence in the fandoms.
AW: Would anyone be able to make submission?


Define submission?
AW: Photos for example


They will be able to upload photos to their FBN profile, but to keep people safe from anything harmful it will be put up for review before being available to our public pages. A message will be sent to the user saying why if it was denied, if applicable. We want to keep the bad stuff out and the good stuff in. For clarification politics, hate photos, etc etc.
AW: How many are a part of your staff currently?


We have ten volunteers that run everything. This also includes myself. We are always looking for more people or talent to bring into the group. It is a lot of work to maintain things so there is always plenty to do.
AW: I am asking this because others have asked me paid or volunteer?


We are 100% volunteer, as such we have had several people come and go from the group as their time and responsibilities changes. The only time we pay is if we are looking for art for the network meaning we pay furry artists for commissions and then credit them back so they can get the exposure for the work. We also pay for things like servers and equipment to run the network, but this is not an obligation of anyone or the staff as it is donation based as well.
AW: Copyright is a huge issue.


For example, we give credit to the artists who made our logo, I also linked the art on my Furaffinity or FA account.
AW: But since we both have had bad experiences with the Furry Raiders would you like to make a statement on what really happened?


There have been comments as to our relation to a former partner, FurryRaiders. We were a younger group at the time and were ignorant as to the stance they took. We do not condone the view put forth by the Furry Raiders and immediately upon learning they held these beliefs, we ended our connections. Moving forward, we wish to show that we are a group dedicated to EVERYONE in the furry fandom. Our deepest apologies for any misunderstandings that arose from our former incorrect actions.

To fix that issue we have blocked all known alt accounts using AltFurryBlocker. (Shout out to them for the time and effort to rid the fandom of sour furs) We also have changed our policies on sponsor relations, so that all our sponsors have to go through an investigation period where we learn what they are like and what they do. Something that we did not do before with the Furry Raiders. And just to be clear on this, none of the staff or management of FBN are affiliated with any groups such as the Furry Raiders. We are also not run, nor will we ever be ran, by anyone that is an AltFur. I have a zero tolerance policy for that kind of thing and it was a mistake on my part before, but it will not happen again.

Ahmar Wolf speaking …
This was where I ended the interview for frankly 1 reason I could not think of any other questions to ask.

From what I have gathered both from the interview as well as their site they should be up and running next year. Speaking of which I had planned to linked this article to their site…which is sadly currently down. So instead I include a link to the article about them on Wikifur