Book Review: Otters in Space 3 Octopus Ascending by Mary Lowd

It is described as

Intrigue, adventure, and octopi await! On the eve of war between Earth and Jupiter, one brave tabby cat embarks on a journey that will rock the foundation of her world as she travels between the depths of the sea and the depths of space. While Kipper seeks an audience with the octopus oligarchy, her sister Petra struggles against tyrannies and conspiracies among the dog and cat government of the Uplifted States. Meanwhile, across the solar system, the otter Jenny leads her team of pirates and scientists as they try to uncover the secrets of the ancient, abandoned Europa base. Can the creatures of Earth, working together, stop the Jovian fleet in time?

My review

It is a very unique story and frankly breaks all pre conceived ideas what you think about war, battles and even slavery. For the record the octopus are slaves of the birds… the book is not clear what they actually do. That part confused me, but overall it’s a pretty good story. Lots of twists and turns and frankly even if you read a few. It is surprising.

Although I do think Otters in Space 4 is better I still give it a 6.5 out of 10.

Currently unless you find a copy at a convention. You can get a Kindle edition from Amazon