MFF Shuttle Buses

MFF has decided to make things easier by having 2 Shuttle Bus Routes

DenFur 2023 Fursuiter Group Photo

We present the DenFur 2023 Fursuit Photo!! Look at all 769 of you!!


LIFC 2024 Update

In a world of flowers, not all bloom with light. This 2024, join us for a journey into Bloom & Gloom, from 6-7 July at One Farrer Hotel. More announcements to come, stay tuned! 🌼🥀

All Fur Media To Become All Fur Radio

I literally found this out less than 20 minutes ago as of this posting. So I am a bit stunned by this. Here I was working out a script for the next furry news recap I use to do for All Fur Media. Trying to wrap up all the loose ends before MFF which takes places in just a few weeks. When this happens.

I totally understand that having an idea and it not being a popular one can happen. It happened with a close friend, and others. So they cut back, I still wish them well.

In the meantime I already contacted the new owner, and see if anything I can contribute. Even if they don’t want me. Totally understandable, and we will see what happens.

Furcan de viaje destino Monterrey

For more information

Golden Tail Awards Winner Best NSFW Illustration 2023

¡Zourik se ha convertido en el ganador de Ilustración NSFW 2023! Su arte ha sido bastante candente para el fandom.

Translated from Spanish by Google

Zourik has become the winner of NSFW Illustration 2023! His art has been quite hot for the fandom.