The Fatal Flaw Of Furry Fandom by Perri Prinz

I have been debating with myself whether I wanted to write something about the censorship drama going on between three major Furry news outlets, or the drama I have recently been inundated by on Second Life. But the more I think about it, the more I do not dare write critically about drama for fear of offending someone involved.

Of course, everyone involved in these dramas is of adult age. Some are even older than me. And you’d think people of significant age could handle a little offense gracefully. But that is not the case. In fact, the very reason these dramas are happening at all is because none of the participants seem to have the maturity of a 10 year old.

But then, seriously, what can you expect from people who dress up as living plush animals just to run off at the face about their pet peeves on YouTube? And while doing so go so far as to say, “Such and such fur offended me because of some accessory he had on his fursuit. I therefore insist that not only must said fur get rid of his accessory, but he must kill his fursona and change his name while he’s at it. And if he doesn’t do this immediately, I will buy him a one way ticket to Auschwitz.”

And this same fur is so immature that, when he gets banned from one site on a charge of hate speech, he goes over to another site and writes a whole article about how the site that banned him is guilty of censorship. But, at the end of the day, all three of the news sites involved have some form of censorship in place, and all defend their right to their particular brand of censorship to the death. So not one of them has an inch of moral high ground to look down on the others.

Then we have another fur who likes to troll, and while doing so frequently catches his own personal information in the screenshots he posts, and then cries “Boo-hoo you bullies doxed me” when somebody makes use of that information.

Yet another fur has decided that Babyfurs are an abomination upon the Earth and must be scourged by his initiating a drama blitz at the hotel housing Califur, just like the one that killed RMFC, to the effect that they are housing a pedo con. Indeed, now that the “disenfranchised furs” contingent of the fandom has seen how easy it is to kill a con with tweets, we can expect them to be tweeting their fingers off at every hotel that houses any con.

Meanwhile, in Second Life, I kind of live on the border between two sims that are part of the Sunweavers conglomerate. And there are a couple of furs that the higher ups in one of those sims have decided they don’t like, and will inflict drama on them at the drop of a hat – if some of their reasons even amount to that. But these same people are prominent land owners in the other sim, and are reasonably well liked.

So, you’d think that these significantly aged furs who do not get along would have the sense to just stay on their respective sims and not put themselves in situations where somebody might drop a hat, or otherwise create oceans of drama by doing practically nothing but just being there. But, noooo. Every time I take a week off from SL I’m hit with the drama from all sides the instant I log in. And, I swear, it sounds for all the world like, “Mommy he’s touching me,” followed by “Tell her to stop touching me.” And back and forth ad nauseum.

And all this without adding to the mix the new contingent of Communists we have in the fandom who insist that everyone who doesn’t agree with them is a Nazi.

Are you starting to see the undeniable abundance of immaturity here? I swear I think Furry Fandom is some kind of unruly pre-school sometimes, where people of even slightly differing opinions couldn’t get along to save their lives.

Meanwhile, I don’t even bother watching cartoons and other forms of anthropomorphic entertainment anymore, because after 15 years of this, it’s pretty much sunk in that The Furry Community is all about the drama, and it’s no asset at all to people who just want to enjoy Furry entertainment. So much so that people just naturally start forgetting what drew them into this mess in the first place.

Well, I started to throw up my hands and ask the wind, “Why is this fandom so hopelessly immature?” And the wind just blew the question back in my face, as if to say, “What do you expect from a society of people who never grew out of watching cartoons?”

I want to personally thank Perri Prinz for allowing me to repost articles from her own blog which can be found here

Also allowing me to move on